
We start with a 6-month program for the leadership team to pracitce the first 7 commitments of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership.

A 6 Month Experience / Commitments 1-7 of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. Leadership Team Goes First.

After over a decade of experience with hundreds of organizations, we’ve  learned (sometimes the hard way) how important it is to have the leadership team trained first. The benefits are twofold:

(1) Leaders of the organization get a chance to practice and build skills in order to better practice with their direct reports when they begin their own learning process. This is particularly key for any leaders who have management issues with their direct reports.

(2) We find that when leadership teams practice and integrate these first seven commitments, those around them notice and celebrate the difference and are motivated to learn more (versus having it be something put upon them).

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