Debbie is an Enneagram expert who teaches leaders how to effectively use the wisdom of the Enneagram in their lives and organizations. She is particularly skilled at helping people discover their Enneagram type and is recognized as a leading expert in the field. Debbie’s extensive experience includes working with well over 1000 leaders across all industries, including CEOs and other top leaders of Fortune 200 companies.
Debbie has studied with the world’s leading Enneagram experts. Her training includes certification with the Palmer/Daniels Enneagram Professional Training Program and The Enneagram in Business. She participates in the Enneagram Narrative Learning Community with Helen Palmer and other experienced students of the Enneagram who want to explore deeper self-development.
Before dedicating herself to teaching the Enneagram, Debbie practiced law in Chicago for over twenty-five years. She holds a JD from Northwestern University School of Law. She lives in Chicago with her husband, Jim Dethmer, and delights in their six children and her many grandchildren.