

CLG Regional Forums

What is a Forum? 

A group of like-minded organizational leaders who come together to build community and practice conscious leadership together. CLG Forum is for leaders who want to wake up in consciousness and live a life aligned with The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. It’s where leaders who want a black belt in Conscious Leadership go.

We hold a high bar for entry; we vet for willingness to practice and be uncomfortable, give and receive feedback, and learn and grow. All CLG Forums are facilitated by senior CLG facilitators who don’t hold back with giving feedback, supporting the deepest exploration of an issue, and holding a high bar for regular practice, both in and outside of Forum.

Why join a Forum? 
  • Leaders share many of the same challenges, one person’s work is everyone's work, which makes group learning very efficient for all.
  • There is a relief and light-heartedness that comes with realizing you are not alone in your challenges.
  • The group feedback process reveals and remedies long hidden blind spots and unconscious commitments. Issues that have been recycling can then come to resolution.  
  • Practicing being more transparent and authentic in a group builds confidence to do the same with your team.
  • A group dedicated to aligning with The 15 Commitments creates a rare climate of trust that allows for friendly experimentation and practice.

Hear from CLG Forum members
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How is a CLG forum different from other forums?

CLG forums focus on context. Most groups focus on the content of a member’s issue. We listen in order to understand the content, but our primary focus is on the context from which the content arises. In doing so, we support members in permanently resolving issues. Watch this video to learn more about the relationship between content and context.

We believe that the deepest transformation comes when a facilitator has mastery in both the 15 commitments and coaching others. Therefore, all of our forums are facilitated by trained and certified CLG coaches. Our forums prioritize self awareness over socializing, giving business advice, or networking.

What are the benefits that apply specifically to leaders in organizations?

Leaders who integrate conscious leadership experience a greater sense of wellbeing. They experience more energy, creativity, and connection. If you take what you learn in forum to heart and practice, you’ll be positioned to begin to transform the culture of your team(s). Leaders who apply conscious leadership at work report that conflicts are resolved more easily, drama declines significantly, and people feel more empowered, included, and valued.

How many people are in a forum?

Forums are made up of 10 members and 1-2 facilitators.

What is the time commitment?

Ten monthly four hour meetings over the course of one year, and an in-person retreat for 2.5 business days plus approximately 2 hours of Conscious Leadership practice time per week.

How long is the commitment?

One year with the opportunity to recommit annually.

Where do forums meet?

In a home, office or other meeting space of a forum member or the facilitator in the forum’s regional area.

How much does it cost?

$11,000 per year, plus food and lodging for the retreat.

Are scholarships available?

Yes, limited funds are available. Please contact the coach running it directly.

What is the refund policy?

After you commit to the forum, there are no refunds. If you choose to leave the forum there will be no refund. If you are asked to leave the forum for breaking agreements there will be no refund.

Is there an attendance policy?

Yes, every member is expected to attend all forum meetings and the full duration of the 2.5 day in person retreat. Members can negotiate with the forum to miss 2 of the 10 meetings due to illness, emergencies and other extenuating circumstances.

What are the requirements that I must honor to be a member in a forum?

Every forum member agrees to…

  1. Read the book, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, in its entirety.
  2. Have a minimum 10-minute daily meditation practice.
  3. Agree to meet with your forum learning partner (will be assigned at first meeting) each week for a 1/2 hour call.
  4. Agree to attend 8 of 10 monthly sessions and the retreat, arriving on time and not departing early.
  5. Agree to post on the private forum discussion board (Slack) once a week and make comments on others' updates (this will likely be the most difficult agreement to keep, so be sure you are willing to do this).
  6. Pay in full ($11,000) by the due date (this will vary forum to forum) with the knowledge that there is no refund if you drop out at any time.
  7. Complete homework assignments that will be given each month (1-3 hours a month).
  8. Have an Enneagram assessment/interview (unless you have done so already) with a CLG coach to determine or confirm your Enneagram type. Included in the cost.

**Before you accept a spot in a CLG forum, please be sure to have a whole body yes to each of the requirements as they are compulsory to stay in the forum.**

Watch this video to learn about the difference between conscious leadership coaching versus other forms of coaching.
Our coaching is virtual via video.
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Learning the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, and being a part of the CLG Forum, have helped me tremendously both personally and professionally. The lessons I've learned through CLG have allowed me to navigate life more skillfully -- helping me to define my life's purpose and pursue my mission. From learning how to take 100% responsibility, to experiencing the world as an ally, these commitments have given me practical tools to become the leader and individual I aspire to be. This is the book (and set of tools) I wish I had before I started my company 12 years ago. The lessons are even more relevant to me during the time of this pandemic; they have helped me to be aware of and to accept my fears, while staying grounded in my values, so I can strive to be the resolution I hope to see in this world.
Jane Chen
Embrace Innovations, Co-founder & CEO
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You’ll never see leadership the same way again
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