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CLG Regional Forums

What is a Forum? 

A group of like-minded organizational leaders who come together to build community and practice conscious leadership together. CLG Forum is for leaders who want to wake up in consciousness and live a life aligned with The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. It’s where leaders who want a black belt in Conscious Leadership go.

We hold a high bar for entry; we vet for willingness to practice and be uncomfortable, give and receive feedback, and learn and grow. All CLG Forums are facilitated by senior CLG facilitators who don’t hold back with giving feedback, supporting the deepest exploration of an issue, and holding a high bar for regular practice, both in and outside of Forum.

Why join a Forum? 

  • Leaders share many of the same challenges, one person’s work is everyone's work, which makes group learning very efficient for all.
  • There is a relief and light-heartedness that comes with realizing you are not alone in your challenges.
  • The group feedback process reveals and remedies long hidden blind spots and unconscious commitments. Issues that have been recycling can then come to resolution.  
  • Practicing being more transparent and authentic in a group builds confidence to do the same with your team.
  • A group dedicated to aligning with The 15 Commitments creates a rare climate of trust that allows for friendly experimentation and practice.

Regional Forum

There are CLG Forums in major cities across the country—New York, DC, Chicago, and San Francisco— and new Forums are constantly forming. Plans are in place for Seattle, Portland, LA, and Denver/Boulder. We're also accepting applications from leaders in other regions. We'll add regions—and Virtual Forums—as interest arises.

A CLG Bay Area Founders Forum
The connections that come from Forum plant the seeds for lifelong friendships.

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Learning the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, and being a part of the CLG Forum, have helped me tremendously both personally and professionally. The lessons I've learned through CLG have allowed me to navigate life more skillfully -- helping me to define my life's purpose and pursue my mission. From learning how to take 100% responsibility, to experiencing the world as an ally, these commitments have given me practical tools to become the leader and individual I aspire to be. This is the book (and set of tools) I wish I had before I started my company 12 years ago. The lessons are even more relevant to me during the time of this pandemic; they have helped me to be aware of and to accept my fears, while staying grounded in my values, so I can strive to be the resolution I hope to see in this world.
Jane Chen
Embrace Innovations, Co-founder & CEO
I’lI admit, I think taking time to meet with a group every month for a period of time when you already feel like you're dropping balls, can feel like a bit too much. I've been surprised at how leveraged that time is actually in a group setting. I now experience a higher degree of trust, despite the outcomes of the day to day. And the goodness of it all is that it’s liberated me to apply myself without unhelpful anxiety.
Premal Shah
Kiva.org, President
During the persona party at our retreat I experienced a profound shift; it turned the hardest thing I've ever dealt with in my adult life into an incredible learning opportunity. I now know I can choose to look at every situation in life as an opportunity rather than a struggle...[In general] I think of Forum as fun. I see it on my calendar and I look forward to it.
Joe Greenstein
InnerSpace, Co-Founder; Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes, Former CEO
I found [Forum] to be edgy but not scary. I got as much challenge out of it as I wanted and as much vulnerability as I was comfortable with. There was a really nice allowance to meet me where I was. The retreat also was exceptionally fun. Seriously, the retreat was one of the most fun two days I've ever had in my whole life. And I've had a lot of fun, like a lot. So that's saying something.
Caneel Joyce
Executive Coach, Culture Builder, Movement Maker
Diana has been moderating our forum for several years now and the difference before and after she came aboard as facilitator is night and day. We have made incredible breakthroughs individually and as a group and I credit Diana entirely with making that happen. She has a deeply thoughtful framework for helping people shift their perspectives on important life issues and is strong, supportive, insightful and masterful at helping you face your demons. If you are willing to dig deep to become a better person, Diana is the guide you want by your side for that journey.
Jason Green
Emergence Capital, General Partner