Leading Through COVID
Webinar / April 2020

Webinar Recording

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How Can We Support You? 

After watching the video above, please take 5 minutes (max) to fill out this survey to let us know how we can support you and your team going forward during COVID, and beyond.

Resources from the Webinar

We gathered tools from our resource library related to the themes Jim and Diana discussed so you can put them into practice.


Watch this short video about emotional intelligence and how to feel your feelings: 

Read this article on the cognitive emotive loop.

Decision Rights

Watch this short video that describes decision rights:

Read this article about decision rights.

Approval, Control, and Security

What's in your control? Download this 2-page handout to support you in knowing what is in control and what is not.

Listen to this guided meditation to address threats you are perceiving to your security, control and approval.


Watch this short video to support yourself and your team to be in integrity and make clean agreements:

Fact vs. Story

Watch this short video to learn how to differentiate between fact and story:


Want More? 

If you want more support resources about the topics above (and a whole lot more), go to our resources page. You'll find that you can sort the resources by commitment in the right side-bar.

Conscious Leadership

It begins with you.

We recommend starting with these three steps:

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