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December 28, 2023

Time to Put it All Down

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Do you feel as well-used as I do? As wrung out by a fuller than full year? Kind of like last year, but more, because isn’t that how it goes? The bar on full goes up always. Massively or incrementally, but ever up. Like the universe is ever-expanding, so are we.

Except for this...

The end of our lives is ever closer as the beginning recedes. Moment by moment, day by day, year by year. The time we have left is always less.  

We are ever-expanding and ever diminishing at the same time.

That’s a lot to hold, dear ones. Especially for such ambitious, mission-driven, passionate creators like you and me. I wonder…

Will you join me as we approach the end of the year in just putting it all down? In holding nothing for a change?

I could expand on how we can do this, what practices might support letting go, why it’s so essential to the creative process, and how privileged we are to even be thinking about such things. But…

I trust you and I trust me to listen to life, to nature, and especially to our hearts, to keep it simple and clear. Let’s put it all down. Just like turning off the light before bed. A gentle touch of a switch. The lights go out so we can rest.

With love,

Erica Sig

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