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San Francisco CLG Forums

What is a Conscious Leadership Regional Forum?

A group of like-minded organizational leaders who come together to practice consciousness and conscious leadership together. Forum members challenge themselves and one another to live a life aligned with The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. Forums are led by certified CLG facilitators.

Who can participate?

People who…

  • Take responsibility for their influence in the world.
  • Commit to curiosity, value learning over being right, and are open to giving and. receiving feedback.
  • Are dedicated to living in alignment with the 15 Commitments of Conscious.

What is the unique value of a forum experience?

This particular group format provides unrivaled learning experiences and outcomes:

  • The group feedback process reveals and remedies long hidden blind spots and unconscious commitments. Issues that have been recycling can then come to resolution.  
  • An unwavering commitment to transparency allows each member's most authentic self to come forward.
  • ‍A group dedicated to aligning with the 15 commitments creates a rare climate of trust that sets the stage for transformation.

How is a CLG forum different from other forums?

CLG forums focus on context. Most groups focus on the content of a member’s issue. We listen in order to understand the content, but our primary focus is on the context from which the content arises. In doing so, we support members in permanently resolving issues. Watch this video to learn more about the relationship between content and context.

We believe that the deepest transformation comes when a facilitator has mastery in both the 15 commitments and coaching others. Therefore, all of our forums are facilitated by trained and certified CLG coaches. Our forums prioritize self awareness over socializing, giving business advice, or networking.

What are the benefits that apply specifically to leaders in organizations?

Leaders who integrate conscious leadership experience a greater sense of wellbeing. They experience more energy, creativity, and connection. If you take what you learn in forum to heart and practice, you’ll be positioned to begin to transform the culture of your team(s). Leaders who apply conscious leadership at work report that conflicts are resolved more easily, drama declines significantly, and people feel more empowered, included, and valued.

How many people are in a forum?

Forums are made up of 10 members and 1-2 facilitators.

What is the membership makeup of a forum?

CLG offers 3 options for forum.

  • Mixed - These are made up of founders, CEOs, VCs and other organizational leaders.
  • Co Founder - We offer 2 Co Founder forums. These are for pairs of co founders who want to work with the same facilitator. These forums are designed specifically to support co founders.
  • Founder - These are made up of founders where 1 founder from an organization will participate in forum.

What is the time commitment?

Ten monthly four hour meetings over the course of one year, and an in-person retreat for 2.5 business days plus approximately 2 hours of Conscious Leadership practice time per week.

How long is the commitment?

One year with the opportunity to recommit annually.

Where do forums meet?

In the CLG meeting space, currently located at 10th and Mission in San Francisco.

How much does it cost?

$10,000 per year, plus food and lodging for the retreat.

Are scholarships available?

Yes, limited funds are available.

What is the refund policy?

After you attend the intro event and choose to commit to the forum, there are no refunds.

Is there an attendance policy?

Yes, every member is expected to attend all forum meetings and the full duration of the 2.5 day in person retreat. Members can negotiate with the forum to miss 2 of the 10 meetings due to illness, emergencies and other extenuating circumstances.

What are the agreements that I need to honor to be a member in a forum?

Every forum member agrees to…

  1. have a personal meditation practice.
  2. talk weekly for 30 minutes with a learning partner from the group.
  3. post on a private Slack board once a week to give a status update and to comment on other members’ updates (30 minutes/week time investment).
  4. have an Enneagram assessment/interview (unless you have done so already) with a CLG coach to determine or confirm your Enneagram type. Included in cost.

Who will be facilitating forum?

Grace Clayton has twenty years experience coaching, teaching, and facilitating conscious leadership in the organizational world and beyond. She is a 1-1 coach, Forum facilitator, and consultant to leaders, teams, and organizations.

Dave Kashen has helped over 100 startup CEOs win their inner game over the last 10 years. He's been an entrepreneur himself and spent nearly a decade coaching startup CEOs, facilitating CEO forums, training startup executives and leading culture development processes.

A four-time National News Emmy winner, Tim Peek brings insightful empathetic questioning and listening abilities to his leadership coaching and facilitating.

Semira Rahemtulla is a tech startup founder turned coach. She coaches leaders and their teams, with specialized experience with startup founders and co-cofounders.

What do forum members say about their experience?

Premal Shah Headshot

"I’lI admit, I think taking time to meet with a group every month for a period of time when you already feel like you're dropping balls, can feel like a bit too much. I've been surprised at how leveraged that time is actually in a group setting. I now experience a higher degree of trust, despite the outcomes of the day to day. And the goodness of it all is that it’s liberated me to apply myself without unhelpful anxiety." Premal Shah / President, 

“During the persona party at our retreat I experienced a profound shift; it turned the hardest thing I've ever dealt with in my adult life into an incredible learning opportunity. I now know I can choose to look at every situation in life as an opportunity rather than a struggle...[In general] I think of Forum as fun. I see it on my calendar and I look forward to it.” Joe Greenstein / Co-Founder, InnerSpace; Former CEO, Flixster, Rotten Tomatoes

“Forum has opened me up to a fuller experience of myself. I've seen myself step back and let things unfold more naturally. My relationships and connection to organizations, family members, or projects that I'm creating have been more clear and less laden with emotional baggage. Everything feels lighter and cleaner, a little more nimble than it has in the past. That's been a great shift for me.” Susan Flynn / Owner, Verdant Hollow Farms

Jeff Brothers VetGrow Headshot

“CLG Forum is a YPO/WPO forum on steroids. Most folks are all too comfortable telling the same story, both to themselves and others, again and again. With CLG, I’ve seen real transformation. The honesty, authenticity, freedom and integrity I find in this forum is unlike any other forum experience I've had. It’s life changing, and not just for the participants. Everyone in my life is happier. It’s the real deal.” Jeff Brothers / CEO, VetGrow Inc

“I found Forum to be edgy but not scary. I got as much challenge out of it as I wanted and as much vulnerability as I was comfortable with. There was a really nice allowance to meet me where I was. The retreat was exceptionally fun. Seriously, the retreat was one of the most fun two days I've ever had in my whole life. And I've had a lot of fun. So that's saying something.”
Caneel Joyce
 / Executive Coach, Culture Builder, Movement Maker

David Blair Accountable Health

“CLG Forum has given me a level of calmness and awareness that I didn't know existed. It's truly changed my outlook and approach to life.”
David Blair
 / Executive Chairman, Accountable Health, Inc.

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