Welcome The Knowledge Project Listeners!

Free Webinar: How to Reduce Drama and Stay Present

Join Jim Dethmer and Diana Chapman, co-founders of Conscious Leadership Group and co-authors of The Fifteen Commitments of Conscious Leadership, for a free webinar exclusively for you as a Tim Ferriss listener. They’ll walk you through the key elements of what it means to be a conscious leader* in your life, offer insights and tools to support you to begin practicing right away, and answer your questions.

*We define a conscious leader as a person who takes responsibility for their influence in the world.

Jim and Diana are excited to answer your questions. Tweet them to @consciouslg / #clgferriss

Sign Up Today!


We'll add an embed and links to the podcast once it's published.

Welcome! We're So Glad You're Here...

Our intention is to radically support you to become a more conscious leader, grow in self-awareness, and eliminate drama at work and home.

Below you’ll find:

  • An additional link to our vast (free) resource library located on our website.
  • Our suggestions for next steps you can take to deepen your understanding of eliminating drama both at home and at work.

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Resources from the Podcast

As soon as the podcast is recorded, we'll add resources that relate to the conversation that Shane and Diana had.


Jim's Podcast Episode on The Knowledge Project 

Show notes and more links to listen.

Want to hear more from Diana?

Watch and our listen to her long-form conversation with Tim Ferris on The Tim Ferriss Show in October 2021. Links to listen and show notes.

Conscious Leadership

It begins with you.

We recommend starting with these three steps:

Want to explore more resources?

We have an extensive free resource library to support you. You’ll find videos, audio meditations, handouts, blog posts, and products, all searchable by commitment.

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