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Enneagram for YPO

Knowing your Forum-mates’ types can deepen connection and empathy by addressing patterns and blind spots that keep you from creating what you most want.

The Enneagram  is one of the most valuable tools in our tool belt for personal awareness and transformation for leaders. Each Forum member will be typed by one of our certified Enneagram typers. Then we come in to facilitate in introduction to the model (half to full day) for you to learn more about yourselves and your Forum-mates.

The intention of the retreat is to know yourselves and one another better, and to learn how to better support one another by gaining a deeper understanding of everyone's gifts and blindspots.

We'll cover:

  • An overview of the Enneagram model
  • The types of each member
  • How best to give and receive feedback to each of your Forum-mates
  • Type specific defense mechanisms that cause you to get reactive

This training can be combined with an Introduction to Conscious Leadership (above) as well which has been a big hit with many Forums.

Circle Interest

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