Read to explore what there is for you to grieve. Then listen to the meditation to go through a simple and powerful letting go process. The quotes are from Jim's intro to the meditation.
Conscious leaders develop a healthy relationship with grief. Grief is a natural and normal part of being human. Grief is simply the experience of loss.
When leaders refuse to have a healthy relationship with grief, several things happen. First, they close off their hearts. Conscious leaders lead from their head, their heart, and their gut. Grief keeps us connected to our hearts.
We work with some clients whose whole lives are organized around avoiding feeling losses they’ve already experienced and protecting against future loss. Here are a few of the countless ways they close off their hearts:
How do you close your heart to avoid the experience of grief?
When we don’t grieve, we don’t create space for the new possibility. We hold onto the old. We don’t let go.
This is the smoking gun that connects grief with impact. If we’re holding on to what was, what could have been, what might have been, or what should be, we’re not as available for innovation, collaboration, and what comes next. You might look innovative or racked up a pile of successes, but if you’re holding onto the old, you’ve just scratched the surface of what’s possible.
If you’ve already created lots of new possibilities and are still avoiding grieving what is no longer or will never be, imagine what might happen if you allow grief to do what it’s designed to do? And if you’re feeling flat out stuck, doing a grief inventory may very well point the way through and out of a seemingly endless dark tunnel.
Here are a few of the most common ways successful leaders hold onto the old:
What are you holding onto or resisting letting go?
As in all things, we wholeheartedly believe that there’s no right answer. There is only what is true in the moment. That being said, choosing to grieve before life turns up the volume usually comes with less collateral damage. So if it’s a choice you’re ready and willing to make, we highly recommend it.
Some ways life has turned up the volume on our clients:
How has life turned up the volume on you in the past? Is there a situation now now where you have a hunch that you’re on the precipice of life turning up the volume? (Or one that more than two people you trust have warned you about it).