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November 30, 2017

Wellbeing as the Foundation for Impact

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Those of us who are driven to make a significant positive difference in the world often undermine our efforts by not taking care of our own wellbeing. I think of it like a tree we’re counting on to bear lots of high quality fruit. Your wellbeing is analogous to the roots of the tree; ignore the health of the roots, and the whole system loses access to the fuel it needs to sustainably grow and produce.

Wellbeing is so important from our perspective that it’s central to commitment #1 of the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: I commit to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of my life, and my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I commit to support others to take full responsibility for their lives.

Not taking responsibility for your wellbeing is a below the line pattern. You can create impact from below the line, but it won’t be sustainable for you or those around you, and it will likely be substantially less impactful than it could be.

Are you giving your wellbeing short shrift?

You’re likely not supporting your wellbeing if:

  • You put your own needs last or low in order to create an effect “out there,” e.g. the bottom line, your reputation, the holy grail of deals, or even philanthropy
  • You’ve created significant impact, but the personal cost to you—and your team or organization—is high
  • You've created success for your team or company and family, but you don’t feel the fullness of the success because you're tapped out
  • You barely have a minute to yourself
  • You’re often tired
  • You have persistent aches and pains with no known cause
  • You feel uninspired no matter how much you’re creating or producing
  • You regularly rely on substances to stay awake or go to sleep

If you recognized yourself above...

Know that not taking yourself and your needs into account will minimize the impact you’ll be able to create. Even if you’ve already created significant impact, you’ve just touched the surface of what’s possible for you because you put yourself last. You are the roots of the tree and they’re hungry for nourishment.

There is a solution. (It’s simple, but not easy)

Take 100% responsibility for the results you’re creating, most importantly your lackluster wellbeing. Face that you’re committed to not taking care of yourself, then give yourself space to get willing to shift and make different choices that prioritize your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. As I mentioned, it’s simple, but not easy, so...

Support is here

Download this PDF to go through a simple process to assess where you’re at and to create a simple plan to boost your wellbeing.

The Carrot

When you address your patterns, you’ll have strong roots in place to maximize impact without sacrificing your sense of wellbeing. The vitality that comes from boosting your wellbeing is palpable and can’t help but spread to those around you. Your family, organization, and/or team will notice and reap the benefits of the difference. Talk about impact.

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