
Genius, Purpose, and Impact Coaching

Welcome. You’re likely reading this because someone we know in common passed my name along to you. My impact map offering is available on a referral and/or interview only basis.

I work with select elite forward-thinking leaders who are devoted to maximizing aligned impact. They share a dedication to supporting the wellbeing of all, including their families, partners, teams, customers, clients or audience-base, the communities they influence, and the world beyond.

In order to maximize impact within and across ventures, they need to know and be able to articulate who they are and what is theirs to do. They need a solid foundation, and they need a plan. They crave insight, appreciation, and permission—from outside their usual circles—to go all the way with who they are and what they’re here to do. This is where I come in...

Clients tell me that I quickly and comprehensively get them in way they’ve never been seen before. I articulate who they are on an individual level while holding a meta-level overview of their world. This combination allows us to chart a path that maximizes both impact and freedom.

See below for an overview of my process. Email us to set up a conversation with me to learn more about one another and discuss possibilities.

I’m so glad you’re here. This work is my passion. I can’t wait to hear about yours.

Erica Schreiber

The Process

Before we begin, I determine customized goals and deliverables in addition to the foundational elements I always include.  We may decide to focus on yes and no filters, communication, voice or thought-leadership development, practical strategies for working with or leveraging blind spots and shadows, among other possibilities. Within a clear structure, I stay flexible. Each project and relationship has a mind of its own; gold is often revealed in surprising places through my conversations with you and your inner-circle.


Questionnaire. Via Google Doc.  

Review existing materials. Press, websites, articles, items you send me.

Interviews/conversations with you: (1) full day in person. (3) 1.5 hrs phone or video conversations. Lines of communication open.

Interviews/conversations with your inner circle: 6-8 people (variety of family, friends, venture/company) 30-45 min each. Phone. Interviewees tend to enjoy these. It’s not uncommon that they ask for more time to share additional thoughts and insights that come up after our initial conversation.


Synthesize: I pull everything together: conversations with you and people in your inner circle, existing materials, and additional research.


Impact Action Plan. Back-and-forth changing, refining, and editing to arrive at final.

Conversation to review and wrap-up. 1.5 hrs. Phone.


Six months of navigational support as you execute on your action plan. Renewable.

Weekly coaching conversations / Lines of communication open in between conversations