Conscious Leadership Testimonials

John Applegate - Joyce Chen

Chief Financial Officer, Zephyr Al

Joyce takes executive coaching to the highest level. Her ability to understand and sort through complex professional issues impressed me from the first time I started working with her. Over time I learned that she has a talent for coaching because she listens with genuine empathy and support, speaks with candor, authenticity and a commitment to growth and sees from the perspective of someone who has been a successful leader herself in competitive environments. Lessons learned through Joyce’s kindness, thoughtfulness, and wisdom have made me a better performer. I’m reminded of this each time I have a difficult challenge or promising opportunity - Joyce is one of the first people I call for advice. Joyce delves into the fundamental way I work, framing the issues and providing objective, insightful observations that add to my perspective and offer new, better approaches to replace familiar patterns that aren’t working for me anymore. You can’t achieve the level of impact and connection Joyce provides without a talent and passion for what you do – with Joyce it comes from the heart.

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