Conscious Leadership Testimonials

Phil Wickham - Joyce Chen

CEO and Managing Director, Sozo Ventures

Joyce is so present it creates a tangible energy field. From that presence and the trust she creates, I find myself opening up and watching whatever is eating at me all spill out, often in circuitous, drama-ridden monologues. Joyce then flexes her gift to listen, absorb and find signal. She brings the focus back to the choices and behaviors that are impeding my energy, and awakening me to how I impede the energy of those closest to me. The resulting realization is - ‘Oh, this is on me to make this situation better…’ How Joyce accomplishes that in a way that makes me feel excited - and not threatened - is fascinating and frankly, elusive to me. Together, we find the underlying driver of unconscious choices and then co-develop a targeted behavioral change at the root level. Joyce navigates me in every session from ‘what’s wrong with the world?’ to helping me see it’s in my power to change any pattern to improve the situation, simply by becoming aware of my choices. So, if you’re willing to have your full self reflected back at you in a remarkable and honest way, if you’re willing to confront the challenging issues in your life, and you're willing to take full responsibility for creating the improvements you want, Joyce is the coach for you.

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